Seven Factors

Seven Factors

Before you step aboard your vessel, there are seven factors that you should think about to ensure a safe trip for you, your crew, and your boat.

1. Know Your Boat

It may seem fairly obvious that you need to “know your boat” before you go out…but think about it–how familiar are you really? Most people only go out on their boats when its sunny and the weather is nice. But what happens when something breaks, or the weather turns bad? Can you handle an emergency? Have you even prepared for an emergency? Some things to think about include:

  • Do you know how your boat handles in rough weather?
  • Can you get around your boat–and find things easily in the dark?
  • Do you know how to access all of the through-hull fittings and remote compartments?
  • Can you easily make minor repairs to the engine or steering systems?
  • Can you easily find and operate emergency equipment such as the fire extinguisher?

2. Who Will Be Aboard

So who is going with you? A trip with five adults would be a great deal different from one with two adults and three preschoolers. Preparing for your guests is not only the courteous thing to do, but the safe thing to do. And don’t forget, as the captain you have a legal responsibility to provide for the safety and well being of those you bring aboard. Things to think about include:

  • Do you have a pre-departure or safety “checklist” and have you discussed it with guests prior to departure?
  • Did you inform your guests as to where life jackets and other safety gear are stowed?
  • Do your guests have boating experience?
  • Can your guests take over the boat/operate equipment in an emergency?
  • Do you have spare clothes/raingear for your guests?
  • Do you have enough food and water for your guests?
  • Do any of your guests have medical conditions?
  • Can your guests swim?
  • Do your guests get sea-sick?
  • Will you or your guests be drinking alcohol?
  • Are there hazards that children should stay away from?

3. Where Are You Going

Are you planning a short trip across the lake or harbor? An all-day sailing or fishing trip? Or are you going off-shore for an extended cruise? More importantly, does anyone ashore know your plans? Planning your trip route before you leave will help you determine what additional gear you might need to bring, and may help you realize that the trip may be too dangerous to undertake at that time.

  • Is your route along a busy waterway? If not, you might want to make sure your fuel tanks are topped off, and you have a radio to contact others. Keep in mind that busy waterways are usually just the opposite in the off-season!
  • If you are going to a different port, does it have the facilities necessary to fix your boat, or facilities to treat a sick crew member?
  • Will you be going with other boats, or meeting up with anyone?
  • Most importantly, who have you left a float plan with?

4. Your Environment

Just because it is sunny and calm outside doesn’t necessarily mean the trip will go without a hitch. Weather has a nasty habit of changing with little warning. Thunder storms, high winds, fog, and other “weather events” can put a damper on your trip. Unseen factors include the tide and current–will there be enough water to get through a shallow channel? And don’t forget water temperature–even if the air temperature is warm, the water may be colder–given enough time, hypothermia will occur in even the warmest of waters. Clothing is your first line of defense against the elements. Dress for the water temperature–not the air temperature! While cotton clothing may be comfortable–especially in warmer weather–synthetic clothing such as POLYPROPYLENE helps retain body heat better. Wearing a hat is also a smart thing to do–they protect you from the sun, and help retain body heat.

  • Are you wearing appropriate clothing for the weather conditions?And do you have spare clothing in case you get wet?
  • Have you seen the weather report for your area? Do you have a radio to listen to the weather report while you are on the water?
  • Have you brought sunscreen to prevent sunburn, and plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration?
  • What is the water temperature–and can you survive for long if you fall in?
  • Can you and your crew handle rough weather? Will anyone become sick or incapacitated?
  • Will you be traveling in the evening? If so, do you have lights, and are the lights working? Do you have nighttime signaling devices or reflective materials on your clothing?

5. Equipment Issues

Properly equipping your boat with the appropriate gear can make a great day even better–and can make a bad day survivable. Proper equipment really depends upon the boat that you are on–row boats on a pond need different equipment than an ocean going vessel. All vessels must adhere to State and Federal minimum carriage requirements. Knowing what kind of trip you are taking, and where you are going will help you determine what extra equipment to bring along.

  • If you are going far from shore or other boaters, do you have (and know how to use) a VHF radio and navigation equipment such as a compass, loran/GPS?
  • Do you have usable, properly sized and fitted life jackets for everyone? While life jackets come in a variety of prices, styles and performance abilities–the life jacket that is worn is the best one to have. How much is your life worth? Over 80% of the people who drown each year weren’t wearing a life jacket!
  • Do you have spare parts, lube oil, or gasoline?
  • Do you have extra water, food and clothing for you and your crew?
  • Do you have a first-aid kit?
  • If you are going off-shore, do you have an EPIRB, raft, or survival suits? EPIRBS are available for rent from the BoatU.S. Foundation. Visit our EPIRB page for more information.
  • Do you have even a small survival kit or “ditch bag”? Keeping a small, handy kit stocked with items such as garbage bags/emergency blankets, waterproof matches, cordage, a tarp and first aid kit can keep you going. Offshore kits should have extra food and water, a fishing kit, extra flares/signaling devices and medicines.

6. What Can Go Wrong

Planning ahead means considering what could go wrong, and thinking of how you as the skipper will handle it–or how you crew will handle it if something happens to you! Prudent skippers not only have a plan that they stick to, they also make sure the crew knows the plan, and can act accordingly in case of an emergency. When your guests come aboard, it’s time to share information with them about your boat, and about your trip. The information you need to share in this orientation will depend on your boat and how complicated things are.

Finally, make sure that someone ashore knows where you are going, and when to expect you back. Here is a simple float plan, provided to help you determine what information is helpful to rescue personnel. Leave your float plan with a responsible relative or friend–don’t file your float plan with the Coast Guard! STICK TO YOUR PLAN!

7. Your Responsibilities

As the captain, YOU are responsible for the safety of you, your passengers, your boat–and those you may come into contact with. This means that even the noise your boat makes or the wake your boat puts out can have an impact on other boats or property–so you are responsible. Your responsibilities are essentially a summary of the previous factors:

  • You are responsible for knowing and adhering to the federal Rules of the Road, and all state and local boating laws.
  • You are responsible for operating in a manner that is appropriate for the conditions–meaning going at no-wake speeds where required, operating at a safe boat speed in congested waters or at times of restricted visibility such as at night.
  • You are responsible for the safety of the people on your boat, and you are required by the Rules to assist others in need if you can safely do so.
  • When operating around swimmers and skiers, and others that may be in the water, you must always maneuver in a safe manner and be aware of the dangers of striking them with a miving propeller. Always place engine in neutral, or more preferably, stop your engine completely before someone moves to re-board the boat.

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